x1 Heart

Calon Lafant Carthen Cymreag

Gwnaed o ddefnydd gwastraff Blancot.

Prosiect Teilwriaeth Cynaliadwy

Mewn Cydweithrediad â Ffoaduriaid a Cheiswyr Lloches yn Oasis Caerdydd.

Vintage Welsh Blanket Lavender Heart

Made from Blancot off-cuts.

A Sustainable Tailoring Project In Collaboration with Refugees and Asylum Seekers at Oasis Cardiff. 
Wedi ei ariannu gan / Funded by The Ashley Family Foundation & Viridor ‘Prosiect Gwyrdd’.
Instagram: @blan_cot  
Please note, the last day for Christmas orders will be on the 21st of December at noon.