Meet Joseph...⁠

Joseph is a refugee from the Ivory Coast. In 2011 moved from the Ivory Coast to Morocco and was a refugee there for 6 years. Joseph had to flee the Ivory Coast because of the outbreak of war and rebellion. ⁠

Joesph was very vocal about his political views to the point that he released a rap song under the artist name ‘Pep Cocktail’. Because of how vocal he was about his political views he could not return to the Ivory Coast. ⁠

A war broke out in Morocco so Joseph had to flee again, this time he applied for a VISA and flew to Woking where he had friends to stay with. He applied for asylum in Feb 2018 and was shortly moved from Croydon and then to Cardiff. ⁠

Click the link below or search for 'Oasis Cardiff Journeys' on any podcast platform to listen to episode 3 of our podcast 'Journeys' to find out more about Joseph's story and how he settled in Cardiff.